Dumpster Pick Up & Delivery

Nix Tank is focused on providing a positive customer experience with every interaction. Learn more about our dumpster delivery and pick up service.

Where Should I Put My Dumpster?

Select a location that leaves adequate space on all sides of your dumpster and is away from low-hanging tree limbs or power lines. Our roll-off dumpsters are very heavy and could damage sidewalks and driveways if not placed properly.  Feel free to contact us for any additional concerns about site selection.


Once you have gotten all the necessary permits taken care of, the roll-off trucks will carefully deliver the dumpsters to the location of your choosing. The roll-off truck will raise its hydraulically operated bed while the roll-off dumpster slowly descends until it’s on the ground. To lower the container, a cable is used for added safety.

Pick Up

After you are done with the roll-off dumpster and the waste container is loaded, the roll-off truck will pull the filled container back into its place on the truck and take it to be dumped. This whole process from permit approval to waste pick up is quick and easy.

Which Dumpster Size Works Best For You?

At Nix Tank, we offer a range of sizes to fit your specific project. Here are the sizes we offer:

  • 15 Yard Dumpsters – We recommend the 15-yard dumpster for your residential projects.
  • 20 Yard Dumpsters – We recommend the 20-yard dumpster for small to medium remodeling jobs.
  • 30 Yard Dumpsters – Our largest container size is popular for most construction site jobs.

Contact Us Today

If you have any questions about your specific situation, please contact us.